In Lisa's fun and fierce programme, she encourages her clients to use the prefix ‘Re-’, as in Re-search, Re-Boot, etc, to launch an inquiry into what aspect of their life they would like to ‘Re-look’ at.
CG Jung said it best: "Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research."
Unfortunately, I only discovered this quote when I turned 50. Maybe it would have been more useful 10 years prior.
I had always fancied myself sporting a PhD. In my early 40s I even Re-searched studying for one, yet the heavy-duty statistical analysis bit of Psychology put me off.
Instead, and in hindsight, I bestowed myself with my very own personal doctorate in OTUD. Otherwise known as Over-Thinking and Under-Doing Studies….
This accolade was earned over the years with extensive Re-search causing analysis paralysis about my ever-growing existential midlife muddle.
I systematically investigated what I could do, then over-thought it to death resulting in no action. Just miserable, vacillating me.
With “Life Purpose” being such a hot topic, do you find yourself constantly Re-searching? Tormenting yourself to discover your purpose?
Are you overwhelmed by Re-searching online about how to have the perfect relationship / career / body*? (*select where applicable)
As you Re-search for purpose, a new partner, a better job… you must be thinking all these things will probably make you happy and end any suffering. Because in the end, that’s what human beings crave.
Yet inertia hits and you do nothing? You take no action. You just keep muddling through midlife.
Mark Manson, the author of the New York Times Bestseller ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” shares that:
“Your actions create further emotional reactions and inspirations and move you on to motivate your future actions. Taking advantage of this knowledge, we can actually reorient our mindset in the following way: Action → Inspiration → Motivation. If you lack the motivation to make an important change in your life, do something – anything really – and then harness the Re-action to that action as a way to begin motivating yourself.
Thank you very much, Mark Manson. It took me a while, but then I said to myself:
Just. Do. Something, Lisa.
If you have been zealously Re-searching matters about your career / relationship / health AND you haven’t been able to figure out what IT is that you need to do, then Just. Do. Something.
So long as you’re mindful or intentional about whatever that something is…
“Don't just sit there. Do something. The answers will follow”, Mark Manson.
I knew I wanted to ReBoot my health but I couldn’t decide on what sport I wanted to try. I dithered and talked myself out of them without trying anything.
Action: I finally decided to make it happen and tried out different exercise classes, using the trial period before signing up for a longer term. I first did boot camp which kicked off the wellbeing, then HIIT. Not my thing. Then circuit training and finally I decided on hot yoga.
A coaching client, who wanted to ReInvent his career, couldn’t decide on the business industry he wanted to work in. He had several ideas. He ReSearched them intensively but got stuck in analysis paralysis.
Action: He narrowed down the choice to 2 industries, contacted specialist headhunters in these areas and then started interviewing.
Albeit unconsciously, a friend wanted to ReBoot her relationships. An attractive single mother in her 40s, she had little energy to ReInvest in romance and had been badly burned by an acrimonious divorce. Dating apps weren’t her cup of tea.
Action: A kind friend introduced her to a colleague. No sparks flew, however, she’s feeling more upbeat about love.
The Just Do Something may lead to the quintessential “it” that we’re looking for. Or maybe not. But at least it will lead somewhere. And you did do – and continue to do – something, intentionally.
So stop Re-searching and start Re-activating yourself by just doing something.
You’ll feel Re-inspired and Re-motivated for more.